all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 3PJ 42 0 51.876576 0.57281
CM7 3PL 25 1 51.877331 0.571196
CM7 3PN 30 0 51.878437 0.568295
CM7 3PP 66 4 51.880147 0.566633
CM7 3PQ 52 0 51.874011 0.577007
CM7 3PR 42 2 51.872921 0.582001
CM7 3PS 18 0 51.877616 0.567609
CM7 3PT 31 0 51.871467 0.581903
CM7 3PU 20 0 51.870348 0.576333
CM7 3PW 27 0 51.879179 0.567713
CM7 3PX 27 0 51.869874 0.576611
CM7 3PY 48 0 51.870315 0.575372
CM7 3PZ 26 0 51.870543 0.574005
CM7 3QB 28 1 51.876304 0.557654
CM7 3QD 7 3 51.876503 0.553087
CM7 3RG 11 10 51.87549 0.568592
CM7 3QG 22 0 51.876702 0.557982
CM7 3QH 11 0 51.876261 0.553017
CM7 3QJ 20 0 51.875576 0.554357
CM7 3QL 22 2 51.875691 0.556079