all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 3LJ 22 0 51.877428 0.57992
CM7 3LL 8 0 51.878324 0.581293
CM7 3LN 6 0 51.877713 0.581258
CM7 3LQ 26 0 51.877902 0.58002
CM7 3LW 17 0 51.878679 0.581909
CM7 3NN 54 0 51.878707 0.566654
CM7 3NP 53 0 51.874658 0.578265
CM7 3NR 36 2 51.872258 0.575745
CM7 3NS 23 0 51.872449 0.580565
CM7 3NU 24 0 51.877354 0.574234
CM7 3NW 35 0 51.879345 0.565877
CM7 3NX 8 0 51.8721 0.576419
CM7 3NY 13 0 51.872511 0.57695
CM7 3NZ 10 0 51.873861 0.574413
CM7 3PA 23 0 51.874266 0.57522
CM7 3PB 54 1 51.877376 0.575296
CM7 3PD 36 0 51.870757 0.582284
CM7 3PE 38 0 51.870637 0.580795
CM7 3PG 36 2 51.872094 0.578728
CM7 3PH 20 1 51.875778 0.574769