all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 3QN 19 0 51.875628 0.561045
CM7 3QP 58 0 51.873313 0.564124
CM7 3QQ 42 3 51.876541 0.555445
CM7 3QR 14 0 51.874336 0.564211
CM7 3QS 21 11 51.876447 0.56391
CM7 3SS 5 5 51.876413 0.565027
CM7 3QU 5 5 51.87462 0.566421
CM7 3QW 6 0 51.874876 0.561293
CM7 3QX 31 0 51.876514 0.567416
CM7 3QY 44 0 51.873149 0.583089
CM7 3QZ 35 4 51.876063 0.567492
CM7 3RA 62 0 51.880124 0.575497
CM7 3RB 74 0 51.87838 0.573784
CM7 3RD 39 1 51.876355 0.570603
CM7 3RE 42 0 51.876936 0.570809
CM7 3RF 18 0 51.876647 0.569167
CM7 3RH 30 0 51.874728 0.562723
CM7 3RJ 20 0 51.876643 0.551164
CM7 3RN 66 0 51.880809 0.578689
CM7 3RP 34 0 51.880812 0.579373