all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 3JG 14 0 51.87764 0.559488
CM7 3JH 36 0 51.879589 0.56127
CM7 3JJ 22 15 51.878015 0.562995
CM7 3JN 36 2 51.877133 0.56007
CM7 3JP 18 0 51.879954 0.564342
CM7 3JQ 23 9 51.878702 0.561103
CM7 3JR 16 0 51.879709 0.564065
CM7 3JS 12 0 51.877759 0.55858
CM7 3JT 22 0 51.878132 0.560446
CM7 3JW 26 6 51.879824 0.562867
CM7 3JX 67 0 51.879559 0.559772
CM7 3JY 42 0 51.87854 0.559481
CM7 3JZ 65 0 51.877047 0.558655
CM7 3LA 52 0 51.879129 0.580671
CM7 3LB 54 0 51.878508 0.582742
CM7 3LD 31 0 51.879012 0.583512
CM7 3LE 6 0 51.879562 0.582643
CM7 3LF 19 0 51.877824 0.58356
CM7 3LG 33 0 51.877846 0.582181
CM7 3LH 7 0 51.879396 0.584087