all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 9AA 18 3 51.881115 0.552767
CM7 9AB 1 1 51.879952 0.551177
CM7 9AE 25 11 51.880928 0.551785
CM7 9AF 11 0 51.888034 0.557943
CM7 9AH 1 1 51.880727 0.551526
CM7 9AJ 1 1 51.880111 0.551317
CM7 9AN 3 1 51.882127 0.553362
CM7 9AP 5 0 51.890264 0.558767
CM7 9AR 24 0 51.88404 0.552208
CM7 9AS 39 2 51.884725 0.555851
CM7 9AT 65 1 51.886195 0.556879
CM7 9AU 91 1 51.888216 0.557444
CM7 9AW 5 0 51.882641 0.551199
CM7 9AX 77 0 51.886921 0.558243
CM7 9AY 5 0 51.885669 0.555875
CM7 9AZ 3 0 51.886408 0.556179
CM7 9BA 9 0 51.886974 0.555833
CM7 9BD 13 0 51.881527 0.557355
CM7 9BE 14 0 51.883102 0.556064
CM7 9BG 25 1 51.881888 0.55771