all postcodes in CM9 / MALDON

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM9 4PJ 0 51.736352 0.692126
CM9 4PP 0 51.735837 0.693819
CM9 4PU 0 51.735847 0.691807
CM9 4QH 0 51.735766 0.69299
CM9 4QZ 0 51.735366 0.692386
CM9 4UJ 0 51.735001 0.692249
CM9 4WF 4 0 51.745225 0.674588
CM9 4BT 6 0 51.740301 0.691724
CM9 4ED 3 0 51.742348 0.690295
CM9 4DA 0 51.744164 0.676539
CM9 4BU 8 0 51.736545 0.691587
CM9 4DD 0 51.739953 0.688458