all postcodes in CM9 / MALDON

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM9 4BH 55 0 51.745081 0.689936
CM9 4BJ 54 0 51.74684 0.691272
CM9 4BL 32 0 51.74563 0.697387
CM9 4BN 8 0 51.745941 0.694783
CM9 4BP 56 0 51.74476 0.696103
CM9 4BQ 41 0 51.745425 0.694158
CM9 4BS 1 1 51.734923 0.677557
CM9 4BW 66 0 51.744183 0.696967
CM9 4EJ 14 0 51.74211 0.680648
CM9 4ER 18 13 51.741578 0.685049
CM9 4FB 20 0 51.744135 0.692357
CM9 4FH 15 0 51.732629 0.677581
CM9 4GD 37 28 51.740557 0.689189
CM9 4GG 2 2 51.736726 0.683182
CM9 4HH 5 4 51.74105 0.690827
CM9 4HS 12 0 51.732103 0.677752
CM9 4JB 8 0 51.734921 0.67844
CM9 4JH 4 0 51.73475 0.678821
CM9 4LA 1 1 51.739098 0.688871
CM9 4LB 22 1 51.734036 0.676215