all postcodes in CM9 / MALDON

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM9 4LD 6 6 51.735147 0.677903
CM9 4LE 24 19 51.735494 0.679329
CM9 4DB 16 0 51.733877 0.679566
CM9 4LF 21 1 51.733476 0.681063
CM9 4LG 7 0 51.732977 0.680078
CM9 4LJ 51 15 51.737772 0.682302
CM9 4LL 25 2 51.739331 0.684104
CM9 4LQ 38 20 51.73492 0.682395
CM9 4LS 16 0 51.740567 0.683642
CM9 4LT 16 5 51.741154 0.6843
CM9 4LU 0 51.74114 0.684125
CM9 4LY 0 51.742176 0.68407
CM9 4LZ 0 51.74368 0.686318
CM9 4NA 0 51.742893 0.686532
CM9 4NB 13 51.740054 0.686798
CM9 4ND 17 51.739934 0.684937
CM9 4NE 1 51.739014 0.68862
CM9 4NF 5 51.738562 0.688636
CM9 4NG 0 51.737974 0.690368
CM9 4NH 0 51.738098 0.689753