all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 8SH 0 52.903921 -1.480534
DE23 8SJ 0 52.90375 -1.482573
DE23 8SL 1 52.903508 -1.482706
DE23 8SN 0 52.904713 -1.480807
DE23 8SP 0 52.904452 -1.480795
DE23 8SQ 0 52.904369 -1.482372
DE23 8SR 1 52.904074 -1.482643
DE23 8SU 0 52.904413 -1.475993
DE23 8SW 0 52.903953 -1.477605
DE23 8SX 3 52.902743 -1.478433
DE23 8SY 4 52.900855 -1.478474
DE23 8SZ 1 52.899382 -1.480718
DE23 8TA 3 52.89912 -1.480428
DE23 8TD 0 52.899871 -1.481664
DE23 8TE 1 52.900792 -1.480527
DE23 8TF 0 52.900586 -1.480525
DE23 8TG 0 52.900491 -1.483533
DE23 8TH 0 52.900044 -1.479956
DE23 8TJ 0 52.901327 -1.479495
DE23 8TN 0 52.901116 -1.480474