all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 9SX 15 0 54.729515 -1.752887
DL15 9SY 14 1 54.729188 -1.751057
DL15 9SZ 4 1 54.729415 -1.752422
DL15 9TA 16 2 54.730167 -1.75102
DL15 9TB 32 0 54.729389 -1.748214
DL15 9TD 30 0 54.725685 -1.747647
DL15 9TE 8 0 54.724215 -1.749333
DL15 9TF 54 0 54.731195 -1.75252
DL15 9TG 47 0 54.732379 -1.751736
DL15 9TN 30 0 54.709184 -1.760243
DL15 9TP 9 0 54.708961 -1.761191
DL15 9TQ 4 0 54.729048 -1.748853
DL15 9TR 8 0 54.708748 -1.762682
DL15 9TS 8 0 54.708803 -1.763148
DL15 9TT 8 0 54.70887 -1.76518
DL15 9TU 5 0 54.709192 -1.764558
DL15 9TW 39 0 54.710463 -1.761617
DL15 9TX 12 0 54.709276 -1.76569
DL15 9TY 11 0 54.709984 -1.764802
DL15 9TZ 19 0 54.709986 -1.765888