all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 9UA 4 3 54.714907 -1.746332
DL15 9UH 27 0 54.712095 -1.738046
DL15 9UJ 12 0 54.712246 -1.737378
DL15 9UT 42 0 54.711285 -1.763863
DL15 9UU 8 0 54.710883 -1.764952
DL15 9UX 10 0 54.7112 -1.766191
DL15 9UY 9 0 54.711657 -1.765552
DL15 9WB 14 0 54.717856 -1.755473
DL15 9BY 4 0 54.713834 -1.740286
DL15 9FN 45 0 54.707797 -1.758855
DL15 9FP 9 0 54.708162 -1.761398
DL15 9FQ 64 0 54.708234 -1.757067
DL15 9FR 8 0 54.707794 -1.757411
DL15 9GF 10 0 54.711798 -1.755137
DL15 9GG 10 0 54.709466 -1.753056
DL15 9GH 16 0 54.709442 -1.754328
DL15 9GJ 27 0 54.7098 -1.753799
DL15 9GL 32 0 54.709471 -1.755477
DL15 9GN 26 0 54.71044 -1.754741
DL15 9GP 16 0 54.710169 -1.754153