all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 9GB 11 0 54.711882 -1.752451
DL15 9GD 30 0 54.711697 -1.754098
DL15 9GE 16 0 54.712291 -1.754327
DL15 9HA 6 0 54.711663 -1.733889
DL15 9HB 37 1 54.712594 -1.736056
DL15 9HD 15 0 54.713228 -1.738396
DL15 9HE 14 0 54.71326 -1.736735
DL15 9HF 1 0 54.715529 -1.747504
DL15 9HH 6 0 54.716357 -1.747845
DL15 9HJ 12 0 54.715324 -1.748177
DL15 9HN 15 0 54.714776 -1.748408
DL15 9HP 18 5 54.714631 -1.747928
DL15 9HQ 1 0 54.715394 -1.746842
DL15 9HR 34 7 54.714354 -1.748136
DL15 9HS 35 25 54.715672 -1.746959
DL15 9HT 25 15 54.715491 -1.746495
DL15 9HU 42 24 54.716993 -1.747262
DL15 9HX 7 0 54.717366 -1.74891
DL15 9HY 49 0 54.717486 -1.75072
DL15 9HZ 5 0 54.718148 -1.749138