all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 9QP 17 0 54.735535 -1.748207
DL15 9QQ 2 0 54.723633 -1.778505
DL15 9QR 1 0 54.735627 -1.749061
DL15 9QS 1 0 54.73671 -1.755577
DL15 9QT 4 0 54.738036 -1.749263
DL15 9QU 2 0 54.738149 -1.747891
DL15 9QW 3 1 54.735238 -1.748007
DL15 9QX 2 0 54.728707 -1.753555
DL15 9QY 2 0 54.727697 -1.756403
DL15 9QZ 15 0 54.726918 -1.757328
DL15 9RA 29 0 54.72643 -1.760406
DL15 9RB 19 0 54.726677 -1.75837
DL15 9RD 20 0 54.727497 -1.759312
DL15 9RE 12 0 54.728137 -1.760256
DL15 9RF 14 0 54.728423 -1.759664
DL15 9RG 20 0 54.72877 -1.758063
DL15 9RH 30 0 54.7278 -1.758591
DL15 9RL 1 1 54.721468 -1.750809
DL15 9RN 2 0 54.736589 -1.753973
DL15 9RQ 28 0 54.728313 -1.758593