all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 9PJ 11 0 54.714124 -1.754409
DL15 9PL 4 0 54.713242 -1.753835
DL15 9PN 25 0 54.714632 -1.75231
DL15 9PQ 6 0 54.715076 -1.754186
DL15 9PR 21 0 54.711416 -1.757157
DL15 9PS 9 0 54.711076 -1.758121
DL15 9PT 59 0 54.711224 -1.760014
DL15 9PU 42 0 54.710511 -1.758513
DL15 9PW 24 3 54.71331 -1.751682
DL15 9PX 26 0 54.709627 -1.757105
DL15 9PY 8 0 54.713153 -1.750172
DL15 9PZ 46 0 54.709065 -1.758971
DL15 9QA 6 0 54.710386 -1.778225
DL15 9QB 5 0 54.712776 -1.772608
DL15 9QD 5 0 54.71854 -1.765451
DL15 9QF 2 0 54.718093 -1.791606
DL15 9QG 1 1 54.721736 -1.787959
DL15 9QJ 2 1 54.729791 -1.77035
DL15 9QL 5 0 54.731271 -1.76825
DL15 9QN 2 0 54.732827 -1.760208