all postcodes in FK / Falkirk

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Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District

FK / Falkirk

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 1JL 8 56.000176 -3.784782
FK1 1JN 3 56.00004 -3.784888
FK1 1JQ 12 56.000799 -3.785492
FK1 1JR 2 55.999773 -3.785011
FK1 1JT 2 56.000814 -3.786672
FK1 1JX 1 56.000734 -3.787493
FK1 1JY 3 56.000329 -3.787555
FK1 1LA 3 56.004857 -3.783931
FK1 1LB 0 56.004833 -3.782422
FK1 1LD 2 56.002886 -3.783519
FK1 1LL 14 56.000778 -3.784169
FK1 1LQ 1 56.002599 -3.783788
FK1 1LS 4 56.000494 -3.783585
FK1 1LU 3 56.000738 -3.7835
FK1 1LW 32 56.00378 -3.779422
FK1 1LZ 8 55.999853 -3.784454
FK1 1NB 12 56.000056 -3.783437
FK1 1NE 2 56.000281 -3.78218
FK1 1NH 8 55.999856 -3.784213
FK1 1NJ 5 55.999494 -3.783796