all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 4TE 12 1 55.864945 -4.336786
G51 4TF 1 1 55.862646 -4.338118
G51 4TH 6 3 55.864157 -4.34911
G51 4TJ 1 1 55.865061 -4.348366
G51 4TN 6 0 55.859325 -4.326509
G51 4TP 52 0 55.858472 -4.326921
G51 4TQ 6 6 55.866676 -4.346928
G51 4TR 10 0 55.857781 -4.327057
G51 4TS 38 0 55.856776 -4.327283
G51 4TT 20 0 55.856815 -4.326662
G51 4TU 7 0 55.856743 -4.325715
G51 4TW 17 0 55.858767 -4.327019
G51 4UA 1 0 55.85451 -4.323553
G51 4UB 16 0 55.854774 -4.324287
G51 4UD 13 0 55.855572 -4.323936
G51 4UE 2 0 55.855747 -4.323436
G51 4UF 28 0 55.856405 -4.323602
G51 4UG 7 0 55.854716 -4.324987
G51 4UH 8 0 55.854981 -4.324795
G51 4UJ 12 0 55.856403 -4.324209