all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 4XP 1 1 55.864133 -4.32034
G51 4XW 64 0 55.860684 -4.345352
G51 4YG 1 1 55.856192 -4.300995
G51 4DU 1 1 55.853718 -4.338301
G51 4FD 1 1 55.859678 -4.350517
G51 4BZ 2 55.867546 -4.333475
G51 4GZ 14 0 55.854853 -4.337682
G51 4GY 7 0 55.854857 -4.335126
G51 4GX 32 0 55.854223 -4.335343
G51 4GB 4 4 55.853194 -4.33482
G51 4SY 3 55.86581 -4.357392
G51 4FE 1 1 55.860358 -4.353498
G51 4GH 4 0 55.861717 -4.332165
G51 4GD 1 0 55.863026 -4.331812
G51 4PH 23 0 55.86244 -4.332578
G51 4PJ 22 0 55.862642 -4.331903
G51 4QP 0 55.863824 -4.320065
G51 4SP 5 3 55.867204 -4.347201
G51 4XS 13 9 55.864127 -4.319925
G51 4FA 0 55.853114 -4.326074