all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 4HA 36 0 55.855528 -4.337659
G51 4HB 41 5 55.855885 -4.337281
G51 4HD 9 0 55.860102 -4.346643
G51 4HE 42 0 55.859829 -4.346802
G51 4HF 3 0 55.860315 -4.346977
G51 4HG 6 0 55.855555 -4.339066
G51 4HH 12 0 55.855997 -4.338949
G51 4HL 26 0 55.855403 -4.339505
G51 4HN 20 0 55.856178 -4.339871
G51 4HQ 31 0 55.859337 -4.345302
G51 4HS 40 0 55.856298 -4.341572
G51 4HT 10 0 55.857144 -4.341511
G51 4HU 17 0 55.856604 -4.342485
G51 4HX 5 0 55.855846 -4.342679
G51 4HY 8 0 55.858822 -4.344472
G51 4HZ 22 0 55.858619 -4.343342
G51 4JA 6 0 55.858274 -4.343081
G51 4JB 30 0 55.858576 -4.341373
G51 4JE 2 0 55.857992 -4.340125
G51 4JF 1 0 55.858146 -4.340836