all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 3SW 46 0 55.942501 -4.125857
G66 3SX 5 0 55.942556 -4.120624
G66 3SY 10 0 55.943114 -4.120542
G66 3SZ 30 0 55.942109 -4.120984
G66 3TA 2 0 55.937056 -4.130191
G66 3TD 3 0 55.936587 -4.101292
G66 3TE 5 0 55.941417 -4.093675
G66 3TG 4 0 55.943751 -4.08746
G66 3TH 4 3 55.937884 -4.116034
G66 3TJ 57 0 55.941825 -4.11871
G66 3TQ 2 0 55.942092 -4.10648
G66 3TR 14 0 55.934112 -4.122996
G66 3TU 1 1 55.929744 -4.143776
G66 3UA 18 0 55.928737 -4.140135
G66 3UB 2 0 55.927854 -4.140262
G66 3UH 13 0 55.928355 -4.127168
G66 3UN 1 0 55.931956 -4.142878
G66 3UR 1 1 55.930967 -4.139798
G66 3UU 20 13 55.930709 -4.139639
G66 3XA 4 0 55.942126 -4.116357