all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 3NX 51 0 55.943198 -4.11515
G66 3PA 5 1 55.93574 -4.128625
G66 3PB 10 0 55.935154 -4.129794
G66 3PD 2 0 55.935632 -4.127279
G66 3PF 11 0 55.936292 -4.12635
G66 3PG 26 0 55.9366 -4.128768
G66 3PH 22 0 55.937977 -4.127146
G66 3PJ 24 0 55.937633 -4.127272
G66 3PL 44 1 55.939017 -4.127284
G66 3PN 29 0 55.940055 -4.127501
G66 3PP 29 0 55.939263 -4.124991
G66 3PQ 26 0 55.936728 -4.127126
G66 3PR 42 0 55.939875 -4.127042
G66 3PS 3 0 55.937972 -4.125305
G66 3PT 6 0 55.937476 -4.125966
G66 3PU 22 0 55.937881 -4.124323
G66 3PW 49 0 55.938319 -4.127101
G66 3PX 9 0 55.938399 -4.12456
G66 3PY 14 0 55.938326 -4.123035
G66 3PZ 3 0 55.938547 -4.12167