all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 3QA 28 0 55.938762 -4.119648
G66 3QB 32 0 55.938324 -4.120553
G66 3QD 14 0 55.938931 -4.117127
G66 3QE 11 0 55.938191 -4.118368
G66 3QF 5 0 55.938237 -4.116737
G66 3QG 5 0 55.938369 -4.117433
G66 3QH 31 0 55.937975 -4.120485
G66 3QJ 14 0 55.937457 -4.121322
G66 3QL 10 0 55.937305 -4.122851
G66 3QN 23 0 55.937222 -4.124511
G66 3QQ 8 0 55.937887 -4.118767
G66 3QW 17 0 55.936874 -4.124364
G66 3RH 29 0 55.938638 -4.133043
G66 3RL 4 0 55.938925 -4.134132
G66 3RN 20 0 55.939008 -4.13143
G66 3RP 15 0 55.938963 -4.130387
G66 3RR 4 0 55.939057 -4.130909
G66 3RS 17 0 55.939725 -4.130989
G66 3RT 10 0 55.93942 -4.130989
G66 3RU 10 0 55.939068 -4.129725