all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 3JZ 0 55.926798 -4.120819
G66 3WD 0 55.929524 -4.138305
G66 3WE 0 55.928311 -4.139359
G66 3WF 0 55.929229 -4.138209
G66 3NE 7 0 55.926997 -4.131171
G66 3NU 9 0 55.928162 -4.128754
G66 3NY 7 0 55.928055 -4.130765
G66 3JY 16 0 55.936097 -4.119902
G66 3DQ 0 55.939056 -4.134892
G66 3QU 13 0 55.930763 -4.125651
G66 3QY 28 0 55.931353 -4.126836
G66 3RG 34 0 55.939185 -4.133634
G66 3RD 6 0 55.930279 -4.124536
G66 3RE 31 0 55.929858 -4.124433
G66 3RJ 58 0 55.930024 -4.12473
G66 3RQ 13 0 55.929873 -4.12595
G66 3JT 6 0 55.931894 -4.134518
G66 3QZ 5 0 55.932886 -4.13047
G66 3JR 61 0 55.931186 -4.131325
G66 3RA 9 0 55.932458 -4.132051