all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 3JE 7 0 55.933282 -4.129419
G66 3JF 3 0 55.933397 -4.128977
G66 3JG 9 0 55.932931 -4.128391
G66 3JH 9 0 55.932561 -4.127458
G66 3JJ 5 0 55.931818 -4.128346
G66 3JL 14 0 55.93288 -4.127219
G66 3JN 47 0 55.933522 -4.13995
G66 3JQ 17 0 55.932439 -4.1283
G66 3JS 30 0 55.934375 -4.14099
G66 3JW 15 0 55.933848 -4.14189
G66 3LA 4 0 55.929448 -4.122949
G66 3LB 12 0 55.929813 -4.122333
G66 3LF 12 0 55.929127 -4.122275
G66 3LG 15 3 55.933201 -4.121633
G66 3LH 16 0 55.93404 -4.120927
G66 3LJ 13 0 55.935263 -4.122435
G66 3LL 27 0 55.93523 -4.1212
G66 3LN 5 0 55.93471 -4.121156
G66 3LP 38 0 55.934341 -4.120127
G66 3LQ 8 1 55.933211 -4.118928