all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 3RW 2 0 55.938509 -4.130879
G66 3RX 3 0 55.938442 -4.12983
G66 3RY 22 0 55.938025 -4.1316
G66 3RZ 13 0 55.938347 -4.133283
G66 3SA 40 0 55.93774 -4.131473
G66 3SB 1 0 55.937936 -4.128986
G66 3SD 3 0 55.937971 -4.129564
G66 3SE 12 0 55.938769 -4.129159
G66 3SF 5 0 55.939763 -4.12931
G66 3SG 22 0 55.942143 -4.128384
G66 3SH 16 0 55.942164 -4.129266
G66 3SJ 21 14 55.942263 -4.130776
G66 3SL 4 0 55.941617 -4.130197
G66 3SN 10 0 55.941842 -4.130705
G66 3SP 27 0 55.942871 -4.125765
G66 3SQ 8 0 55.941876 -4.12981
G66 3SR 24 0 55.942937 -4.123015
G66 3SS 9 0 55.943115 -4.122576
G66 3ST 30 0 55.942485 -4.118458
G66 3SU 7 0 55.94336 -4.121404