all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 7TS 22 0 51.980214 -2.139887
GL20 7TT 10 0 51.981232 -2.138281
GL20 7TY 24 0 51.980739 -2.136976
GL20 7TW 0 51.979487 -2.138574
GL20 7TU 0 51.980279 -2.137572
GL20 7AZ 24 0 52.028449 -2.114881
GL20 7BA 0 51.979596 -2.137738
GL20 7BB 14 0 51.98154 -2.136309
GL20 7DS 4 0 51.982419 -2.137535
GL20 7DT 5 0 51.979795 -2.144348
GL20 7TX 15 0 51.979399 -2.136732
GL20 7DX 8 0 51.983262 -2.139241
GL20 7DY 19 0 51.98329 -2.138564
GL20 7DZ 8 0 51.982948 -2.13924
GL20 7GA 5 0 51.979498 -2.137155
GL20 7PN 4 0 52.029093 -2.110239
GL20 7PW 1 0 52.028527 -2.109655
GL20 7FA 1 0 52.003771 -2.146013
GL20 7FE 5 0 51.978394 -2.142801