all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 7ES 45 0 52.039082 -2.087579
GL20 7ET 6 0 52.034024 -2.094668
GL20 7EU 12 0 52.035271 -2.097747
GL20 7EW 45 0 52.034806 -2.093847
GL20 7EX 6 0 52.038688 -2.106801
GL20 7EY 8 0 52.04019 -2.106913
GL20 7EZ 42 1 52.048662 -2.10245
GL20 7HA 1 1 52.049583 -2.098486
GL20 7HB 43 0 52.050749 -2.101259
GL20 7FB 11 0 52.051305 -2.103536
GL20 7HD 3 1 52.050994 -2.109047
GL20 7HE 5 0 52.03465 -2.107899
GL20 7HF 5 0 52.03005 -2.113719
GL20 7HG 4 0 52.05055 -2.103155
GL20 7HH 14 5 52.029418 -2.108127
GL20 7HJ 17 0 52.028223 -2.116483
GL20 7HL 20 0 52.028394 -2.115434
GL20 7HP 17 3 52.033152 -2.080899
GL20 7HR 12 0 52.032605 -2.07998
GL20 7HU 2 0 52.032031 -2.078849