all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 7DH 1 0 51.979142 -2.155287
GL20 7DJ 8 0 51.965293 -2.150902
GL20 7DL 6 0 51.971563 -2.162277
GL20 7DN 13 1 51.979079 -2.161999
GL20 7DP 2 0 51.983006 -2.176552
GL20 7DQ 1 0 51.975852 -2.155276
GL20 7EA 9 0 52.003426 -2.141445
GL20 7EB 11 0 52.006919 -2.137042
GL20 7ED 13 0 52.01432 -2.128031
GL20 7EE 41 6 52.01797 -2.128835
GL20 7EF 3 1 52.023996 -2.125931
GL20 7EG 12 0 52.029757 -2.119125
GL20 7FG 3 0 52.030199 -2.118886
GL20 7EH 18 0 52.029084 -2.118897
GL20 7EJ 7 0 52.029571 -2.116866
GL20 7EL 22 0 52.030256 -2.115337
GL20 7EN 20 1 52.033286 -2.094646
GL20 7EP 13 0 52.036777 -2.091694
GL20 7EQ 24 0 52.029175 -2.116704
GL20 7ER 20 0 52.03844 -2.091274