all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 7NE 11 0 52.029036 -2.101691
GL20 7NF 39 0 52.030081 -2.099332
GL20 7NG 44 0 52.030152 -2.100703
GL20 7NH 41 0 52.027336 -2.103495
GL20 7NJ 26 0 52.0296 -2.104389
GL20 7NL 15 0 52.028108 -2.104211
GL20 7NN 10 0 52.028656 -2.10446
GL20 7NP 1 0 52.035752 -2.064577
GL20 7NQ 32 0 52.027748 -2.104341
GL20 7NR 1 1 52.036094 -2.064155
GL20 7NT 27 4 52.033947 -2.063123
GL20 7NU 7 0 52.033199 -2.062635
GL20 7NW 7 0 52.028639 -2.103308
GL20 7NX 12 1 52.027464 -2.06098
GL20 7NY 5 0 52.035303 -2.063177
GL20 7NZ 6 0 52.035951 -2.062478
GL20 7PA 6 0 52.035888 -2.061705
GL20 7PB 7 0 52.0373 -2.060964
GL20 7PE 14 0 52.039009 -2.059158
GL20 7PF 10 0 52.039217 -2.056607