all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 7PG 5 0 52.040331 -2.058431
GL20 7PH 4 1 52.049978 -2.057758
GL20 7PJ 11 0 52.029234 -2.101735
GL20 7PL 5 0 51.985724 -2.141142
GL20 7PP 12 4 52.032646 -2.053844
GL20 7PQ 4 0 52.040763 -2.056945
GL20 7PR 7 0 52.032242 -2.05275
GL20 7PS 2 0 52.033457 -2.052452
GL20 7PT 5 0 52.033186 -2.053058
GL20 7PU 8 0 52.030686 -2.053842
GL20 7QA 49 0 51.984491 -2.141728
GL20 7QB 13 0 51.985022 -2.141547
GL20 7QD 8 0 51.983898 -2.141704
GL20 7QE 9 0 52.029233 -2.103674
GL20 7QF 13 0 52.027999 -2.10561
GL20 7QG 35 0 52.029123 -2.105496
GL20 7QH 15 0 52.028393 -2.107185
GL20 7QJ 25 0 52.027637 -2.107897
GL20 7QL 17 0 52.029418 -2.107158
GL20 7QP 28 0 52.031492 -2.110603