all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 4TN 10 4 51.83664 -2.146088
GL3 4TP 3 0 51.835914 -2.137058
GL3 4TR 3 0 51.835624 -2.136906
GL3 4TS 1 51.832512 -2.132273
GL3 4TT 0 51.830167 -2.13099
GL3 4TU 0 51.841411 -2.133737
GL3 4UA 0 51.841326 -2.129512
GL3 4TW 0 51.82726 -2.14851
GL3 4TX 0 51.839671 -2.130567
GL3 4TY 0 51.836483 -2.127205
GL3 4TZ 0 51.837335 -2.128514
GL3 4UB 0 51.843486 -2.125695
GL3 4UD 3 51.844294 -2.12696
GL3 4UF 1 51.841403 -2.116493
GL3 4UG 0 51.845256 -2.117803
GL3 4UH 0 51.841471 -2.101456
GL3 4UQ 0 51.842685 -2.110588
GL3 4UR 0 51.841587 -2.158964
GL3 4US 0 51.844378 -2.156042
GL3 4UT 0 51.8441 -2.155155