all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 4UU 0 51.843652 -2.154384
GL3 4UX 0 51.841958 -2.150372
GL3 4UY 0 51.84337 -2.156691
GL3 4AH 10 8 51.847125 -2.178102
GL3 4WY 1 51.839243 -2.167993
GL3 4AG 7 51.838871 -2.16611
GL3 4AW 1 51.847073 -2.176389
GL3 4AD 9 51.848796 -2.177465
GL3 4BH 28 27 51.841129 -2.165175
GL3 4AN 28 0 51.846006 -2.155263
GL3 4BJ 40 14 51.848079 -2.171196
GL3 4FA 1 51.847811 -2.17629
GL3 4BN 0 51.841511 -2.180112
GL3 4BP 0 51.841207 -2.179429
GL3 4BQ 0 51.841186 -2.181214
GL3 4BW 0 51.841546 -2.180867
GL3 4DX 0 51.840172 -2.180078
GL3 4LN 6 0 51.844174 -2.158765
GL3 4LL 6 0 51.843518 -2.158907
GL3 4DY 29 1 51.841491 -2.181752