all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 4QW 13 0 51.850071 -2.154827
GL3 4QY 1 0 51.853098 -2.156972
GL3 4QZ 4 0 51.858929 -2.153028
GL3 4RA 1 0 51.863234 -2.161074
GL3 4RB 2 1 51.867211 -2.156711
GL3 4RD 2 0 51.870386 -2.156112
GL3 4RE 1 0 51.869834 -2.160749
GL3 4RF 12 0 51.843203 -2.154005
GL3 4RG 36 0 51.84338 -2.155661
GL3 4RH 29 0 51.84248 -2.154796
GL3 4RL 3 0 51.827166 -2.169225
GL3 4RP 8 0 51.840878 -2.15092
GL3 4RQ 22 0 51.842843 -2.153714
GL3 4RR 6 0 51.839673 -2.156209
GL3 4RS 1 0 51.838895 -2.161117
GL3 4RT 15 0 51.836828 -2.160761
GL3 4RU 7 0 51.835133 -2.162347
GL3 4RX 5 0 51.827343 -2.16717
GL3 4RZ 3 0 51.829317 -2.163593
GL3 4SA 1 1 51.830021 -2.161376