all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 4SB 19 0 51.831779 -2.156486
GL3 4SD 4 0 51.83415 -2.160084
GL3 4SJ 2 0 51.824766 -2.117662
GL3 4SL 7 1 51.833663 -2.115138
GL3 4SN 8 0 51.835493 -2.128088
GL3 4SP 5 1 51.837821 -2.136005
GL3 4SR 2 0 51.838286 -2.136798
GL3 4SS 4 2 51.839329 -2.138259
GL3 4ST 1 0 51.839524 -2.140567
GL3 4SU 3 1 51.839334 -2.141684
GL3 4SW 2 0 51.837777 -2.13401
GL3 4SX 2 0 51.840338 -2.142364
GL3 4SY 17 0 51.840683 -2.139331
GL3 4SZ 7 0 51.840501 -2.141189
GL3 4TA 38 0 51.841437 -2.140887
GL3 4TB 13 1 51.841986 -2.140221
GL3 4TD 22 0 51.841531 -2.139412
GL3 4TE 3 0 51.841316 -2.138613
GL3 4TH 6 0 51.842563 -2.141114
GL3 4TL 7 0 51.841559 -2.145639