all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 4PS 20 0 51.844345 -2.146926
GL3 4PU 10 3 51.845463 -2.144432
GL3 4PW 7 0 51.843379 -2.149709
GL3 4PX 8 1 51.848056 -2.14087
GL3 4PZ 2 0 51.848268 -2.142737
GL3 4QB 1 0 51.848208 -2.148796
GL3 4QD 13 0 51.847755 -2.144861
GL3 4QE 2 0 51.849143 -2.147124
GL3 4QF 1 1 51.848208 -2.148796
GL3 4QG 2 1 51.849379 -2.152395
GL3 4QH 7 0 51.849478 -2.153983
GL3 4QJ 6 0 51.848127 -2.155808
GL3 4QL 5 0 51.848877 -2.15343
GL3 4QN 16 0 51.850132 -2.155931
GL3 4QP 30 0 51.8497 -2.156046
GL3 4QQ 12 0 51.849108 -2.155594
GL3 4QR 13 0 51.849141 -2.157641
GL3 4QS 24 0 51.850085 -2.157252
GL3 4QT 4 0 51.850444 -2.158255
GL3 4QU 14 4 51.852483 -2.159845