all postcodes in GL50 / CHELTENHAM

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL50 2TT 23 1 51.891596 -2.089043
GL50 2TU 17 0 51.891776 -2.089363
GL50 2TW 5 0 51.892612 -2.089089
GL50 2TX 26 1 51.89103 -2.088882
GL50 2TY 5 0 51.891237 -2.088519
GL50 2TZ 4 0 51.89139 -2.08849
GL50 2UX 19 3 51.891883 -2.087598
GL50 2UA 15 0 51.891902 -2.088157
GL50 2UB 1 1 51.892145 -2.088347
GL50 2UD 21 2 51.891453 -2.087953
GL50 2UF 6 0 51.890608 -2.08798
GL50 2UG 35 0 51.890068 -2.08827
GL50 2UH 8 0 51.890894 -2.089507
GL50 2UJ 16 0 51.8904 -2.089942
GL50 2UL 23 0 51.889429 -2.089649
GL50 2UN 19 0 51.889815 -2.089621
GL50 2UQ 34 0 51.890301 -2.089084
GL50 2UR 10 0 51.890733 -2.088678
GL50 2UT 6 0 51.892632 -2.086546
GL50 2UW 49 3 51.8914 -2.087255