all postcodes in GL50 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL50 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL50 2SN 8 0 51.886951 -2.085198
GL50 2SS 30 0 51.883852 -2.092268
GL50 2ST 17 0 51.883593 -2.09003
GL50 2SU 36 0 51.884312 -2.091324
GL50 2SW 10 0 51.887994 -2.084619
GL50 2SX 39 0 51.893586 -2.085327
GL50 2SY 3 2 51.893101 -2.084338
GL50 2SZ 19 2 51.89204 -2.084278
GL50 2TB 8 0 51.890423 -2.082095
GL50 2TD 28 0 51.890536 -2.087196
GL50 2TE 6 0 51.889231 -2.087447
GL50 2TF 22 0 51.8897 -2.087005
GL50 2TG 28 2 51.891338 -2.085453
GL50 2TH 2 0 51.892505 -2.086073
GL50 2TJ 8 7 51.892093 -2.086123
GL50 2TL 11 6 51.892272 -2.087126
GL50 2TN 7 0 51.892478 -2.088391
GL50 2TP 2 0 51.891441 -2.089791
GL50 2TQ 3 0 51.89176 -2.086108
GL50 2TS 14 1 51.892766 -2.087955