all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 4YS 4 0 51.009598 -0.929451
GU31 4YY 8 0 51.010111 -0.92987
GU31 4YZ 37 2 51.009882 -0.931953
GU31 4QL 38 0 51.012696 -0.930309
GU31 4QQ 15 0 51.012597 -0.928373
GU31 4QH 0 51.012476 -0.929873
GU31 4QJ 0 51.011698 -0.931359
GU31 4QS 0 51.011964 -0.928915
GU31 4QT 0 51.012192 -0.929295
GU31 4BL 5 0 51.004581 -0.930881
GU31 4EB 13 0 51.004759 -0.931718
GU31 4SJ 11 0 51.011222 -0.929402
GU31 4SL 4 0 51.011439 -0.929569
GU31 4SN 17 0 51.01151 -0.930451
GU31 4SP 16 0 51.010628 -0.929373
GU31 4SR 15 0 51.011292 -0.93114
GU31 4SS 5 0 51.012112 -0.931349
GU31 4ST 4 0 51.011575 -0.930677
GU31 4WU 1 51.003875 -0.93828
GU31 4SU 0 51.010473 -0.931116