all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 4NL 2 0 50.988655 -0.951447
GU31 4NN 2 0 50.986013 -0.951621
GU31 4NP 1 0 50.985577 -0.956477
GU31 4NQ 2 1 50.9956 -0.938694
GU31 4NR 49 0 51.005451 -0.918874
GU31 4NS 17 0 51.006378 -0.919964
GU31 4NT 18 0 51.007341 -0.919044
GU31 4NU 21 0 51.00745 -0.920182
GU31 4NW 2 0 50.982694 -0.949516
GU31 4NX 37 0 51.006673 -0.922651
GU31 4NY 21 0 51.006403 -0.920705
GU31 4PA 28 0 51.006294 -0.921203
GU31 4PB 17 0 51.007362 -0.921367
GU31 4PD 22 0 51.007809 -0.923038
GU31 4PE 9 0 51.006229 -0.922362
GU31 4PF 31 0 51.006536 -0.925348
GU31 4PG 25 0 51.00608 -0.922722
GU31 4PH 39 0 51.005999 -0.925632
GU31 4PJ 13 2 51.005544 -0.925058
GU31 4PN 25 0 51.004198 -0.925417