all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 4PU 8 0 51.005306 -0.926588
GU31 4DX 2 51.004105 -0.933597
GU31 4EF 7 0 51.004214 -0.931089
GU31 4FE 0 51.002019 -0.933918
GU31 4FF 0 51.014084 -0.918887
GU31 4FG 1 51.008306 -0.933729
GU31 4FH 8 0 51.004963 -0.934264
GU31 4FL 22 0 50.995827 -0.941938
GU31 4FN 7 0 50.996189 -0.943183
GU31 4FP 25 0 50.995518 -0.942629
GU31 4FQ 15 0 50.995868 -0.941495