all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 4JH 0 51.001755 -0.934523
GU31 4JJ 4 51.001888 -0.935332
GU31 4JL 0 51.003227 -0.934218
GU31 4JN 6 51.002447 -0.935505
GU31 4JP 0 51.001895 -0.934121
GU31 4JQ 2 51.002619 -0.933691
GU31 4JR 2 51.001422 -0.939103
GU31 4JS 1 50.999774 -0.937872
GU31 4JT 0 50.999459 -0.939193
GU31 4JU 6 0 51.002915 -0.934553
GU31 4JX 42 0 51.000855 -0.935153
GU31 4JY 23 0 51.001078 -0.934325
GU31 4JZ 10 0 51.000229 -0.93289
GU31 4LA 5 1 51.000191 -0.931694
GU31 4LB 29 0 50.998507 -0.929424
GU31 4LD 15 0 50.997293 -0.92844
GU31 4LF 26 0 51.000494 -0.93334
GU31 4LG 11 0 50.996994 -0.945049
GU31 4LH 14 0 50.997584 -0.945677
GU31 4LJ 27 0 50.998056 -0.941163