all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 4LL 26 1 50.997503 -0.940346
GU31 4LN 57 0 50.995116 -0.94616
GU31 4LP 3 0 50.994229 -0.946522
GU31 4LQ 18 0 50.997777 -0.945145
GU31 4LR 24 0 50.992713 -0.948951
GU31 4LS 33 0 50.997566 -0.943625
GU31 4LT 13 0 50.99762 -0.942612
GU31 4LU 16 0 50.99839 -0.942324
GU31 4LW 2 0 50.995556 -0.944751
GU31 4LY 14 0 50.99504 -0.940804
GU31 4LZ 22 0 50.994918 -0.940251
GU31 4NA 11 0 50.99475 -0.940152
GU31 4NB 12 0 50.995519 -0.93904
GU31 4ND 11 0 50.99481 -0.937275
GU31 4NE 18 0 50.995289 -0.937549
GU31 4QR 12 0 50.995884 -0.937664
GU31 4NF 22 0 50.994898 -0.937986
GU31 4NG 1 0 50.994131 -0.949659
GU31 4NH 20 0 50.99825 -0.944693
GU31 4NJ 2 0 50.990516 -0.951377