all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 4HG 0 51.000775 -0.915007
GU31 4HH 0 51.003769 -0.915906
GU31 4HJ 0 51.001301 -0.91555
GU31 4HL 0 51.00184 -0.917433
GU31 4HN 0 51.002089 -0.919993
GU31 4HP 0 51.001543 -0.919364
GU31 4HQ 0 51.000799 -0.91569
GU31 4HR 0 51.000757 -0.920907
GU31 4HS 0 50.997079 -0.923469
GU31 4HT 7 50.996715 -0.922024
GU31 4HU 0 50.996586 -0.922668
GU31 4HW 0 51.001627 -0.918706
GU31 4HX 0 51.000436 -0.917323
GU31 4HY 0 51.00076 -0.916985
GU31 4HZ 0 51.001135 -0.917934
GU31 4JA 1 51.003649 -0.934152
GU31 4JD 3 51.00347 -0.934313
GU31 4JE 1 51.003273 -0.933405
GU31 4JF 0 51.002427 -0.93237
GU31 4JG 0 51.001333 -0.93164