all postcodes in HD8 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD8 9EB 34 5 53.593526 -1.650096
HD8 9ED 29 3 53.594289 -1.649999
HD8 9EE 1 1 53.59477 -1.648303
HD8 9EF 3 1 53.594399 -1.647596
HD8 9EG 28 0 53.593257 -1.647515
HD8 9EH 26 0 53.58866 -1.642991
HD8 9EJ 29 0 53.588593 -1.641798
HD8 9EL 36 0 53.588606 -1.640517
HD8 9EN 7 0 53.589277 -1.641898
HD8 9EP 9 1 53.588577 -1.636269
HD8 9EQ 14 2 53.593018 -1.645734
HD8 9ES 22 0 53.588331 -1.644127
HD8 9ET 30 0 53.587361 -1.644588
HD8 9EU 28 0 53.589959 -1.6599
HD8 9EW 2 0 53.588343 -1.637015
HD8 9EX 12 0 53.589731 -1.659056
HD8 9EY 6 0 53.58808 -1.64141
HD8 9EZ 3 0 53.589107 -1.633319
HD8 9FB 5 4 53.586808 -1.628082
HD8 9FD 1 1 53.586766 -1.628913