all postcodes in HR7 / BROMYARD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR7 4HL 4 0 52.187107 -2.51277
HR7 4HP 8 6 52.190661 -2.503653
HR7 4HQ 16 2 52.150939 -2.557911
HR7 4HS 4 3 52.192883 -2.505551
HR7 4HT 1 1 52.193024 -2.506109
HR7 4HW 7 0 52.187207 -2.516604
HR7 4HX 11 0 52.140858 -2.541214
HR7 4HY 3 0 52.135783 -2.524292
HR7 4HZ 11 0 52.128728 -2.529629
HR7 4JA 3 0 52.131045 -2.54067
HR7 4JB 7 0 52.130803 -2.545943
HR7 4JD 3 0 52.128029 -2.556558
HR7 4JE 9 0 52.125833 -2.561247
HR7 4JF 2 0 52.12565 -2.561902
HR7 4JG 3 0 52.125229 -2.55553
HR7 4JH 7 0 52.119721 -2.554819
HR7 4JJ 8 0 52.119118 -2.554811
HR7 4JL 40 1 52.116128 -2.536519
HR7 4JN 6 1 52.1179 -2.510076
HR7 4JP 2 0 52.15311 -2.490847