all postcodes in HR7 / BROMYARD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR7 4PS 8 0 52.225371 -2.450845
HR7 4PT 4 0 52.227696 -2.44472
HR7 4PU 9 0 52.232807 -2.469121
HR7 4PW 13 0 52.222304 -2.491744
HR7 4PX 11 0 52.243953 -2.47413
HR7 4PY 5 0 52.248818 -2.473743
HR7 4PZ 9 0 52.255039 -2.469458
HR7 4QA 17 0 52.252662 -2.488022
HR7 4QD 2 0 52.225352 -2.472904
HR7 4QF 7 0 52.228369 -2.470509
HR7 4QG 22 0 52.184924 -2.514383
HR7 4QH 4 0 52.189504 -2.483702
HR7 4QJ 73 0 52.185057 -2.482776
HR7 4QN 1 1 52.186335 -2.506908
HR7 4QP 9 1 52.198929 -2.485239
HR7 4QQ 3 0 52.186122 -2.494826
HR7 4QR 14 1 52.185883 -2.519687
HR7 4QS 1 1 52.18458 -2.519045
HR7 4QT 20 13 52.184085 -2.487505
HR7 4QU 5 2 52.182263 -2.520495