all postcodes in HR7 / BROMYARD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR7 4LQ 7 0 52.184115 -2.514213
HR7 4LR 3 0 52.199391 -2.542918
HR7 4LS 20 1 52.207607 -2.528562
HR7 4LT 6 0 52.211986 -2.528453
HR7 4LU 10 0 52.218075 -2.517635
HR7 4LW 9 4 52.191618 -2.508975
HR7 4LX 28 0 52.220922 -2.526495
HR7 4LY 34 0 52.223068 -2.525174
HR7 4LZ 5 0 52.228819 -2.521684
HR7 4NA 9 0 52.237744 -2.505797
HR7 4NB 12 1 52.236628 -2.515198
HR7 4NE 7 0 52.248817 -2.520937
HR7 4NF 7 0 52.219046 -2.530657
HR7 4NG 19 2 52.220817 -2.54772
HR7 4NH 5 0 52.225647 -2.556695
HR7 4NJ 14 0 52.237954 -2.560847
HR7 4NL 3 0 52.246152 -2.564758
HR7 4NN 4 0 52.247236 -2.556057
HR7 4NQ 9 0 52.227369 -2.546102
HR7 4NR 6 0 52.189928 -2.509058