all postcodes in HR7 / BROMYARD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR7 4NS 9 9 52.192414 -2.508703
HR7 4NT 12 4 52.192377 -2.49769
HR7 4NU 22 0 52.192376 -2.487201
HR7 4QW 5 0 52.191782 -2.482776
HR7 4NW 6 0 52.237558 -2.541702
HR7 4NX 5 0 52.195332 -2.489764
HR7 4NY 3 0 52.19505 -2.490522
HR7 4NZ 8 0 52.195786 -2.490764
HR7 4PA 4 0 52.196465 -2.498203
HR7 4PB 12 0 52.198955 -2.489848
HR7 4PD 6 0 52.202288 -2.485948
HR7 4PE 5 0 52.202697 -2.485002
HR7 4PF 6 0 52.20455 -2.486866
HR7 4PG 10 0 52.207625 -2.499645
HR7 4PJ 9 0 52.205518 -2.478813
HR7 4PL 4 0 52.20926 -2.47597
HR7 4PN 24 4 52.21806 -2.479736
HR7 4PP 21 0 52.230385 -2.476694
HR7 4PR 16 1 52.22584 -2.455066
HR7 4QB 3 0 52.226844 -2.471927