all postcodes in HR7 / BROMYARD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR7 4QX 3 0 52.164489 -2.532524
HR7 4QY 2 0 52.161458 -2.544971
HR7 4QZ 6 1 52.155573 -2.549913
HR7 4RA 2 0 52.138924 -2.561149
HR7 4RB 3 0 52.133775 -2.569515
HR7 4RE 7 0 52.138799 -2.564712
HR7 4RF 5 0 52.145666 -2.570762
HR7 4RG 12 0 52.151191 -2.571126
HR7 4RH 23 0 52.157363 -2.581291
HR7 4RJ 4 0 52.162923 -2.582678
HR7 4RL 19 1 52.169509 -2.584915
HR7 4RN 15 2 52.171503 -2.588889
HR7 4RP 7 0 52.160296 -2.593973
HR7 4RQ 13 1 52.154043 -2.57812
HR7 4RR 3 1 52.171942 -2.610463
HR7 4RS 10 0 52.170836 -2.589261
HR7 4RT 6 0 52.170245 -2.586899
HR7 4RU 1 0 52.164058 -2.548555
HR7 4RW 8 0 52.164827 -2.607675
HR7 4RX 1 0 52.179199 -2.509696