all postcodes in HR7 / BROMYARD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR7 4RD 5 0 52.121459 -2.554576
HR7 4JQ 17 0 52.12117 -2.556283
HR7 4JR 1 0 52.146415 -2.504513
HR7 4JS 14 2 52.151084 -2.510047
HR7 4JT 8 1 52.154678 -2.512763
HR7 4JU 8 0 52.156591 -2.513223
HR7 4JX 15 0 52.159248 -2.516148
HR7 4JY 5 1 52.165115 -2.515002
HR7 4JZ 5 0 52.168468 -2.510874
HR7 4LA 9 0 52.171276 -2.501943
HR7 4LB 10 0 52.166572 -2.487386
HR7 4LD 2 0 52.175281 -2.493095
HR7 4LE 3 0 52.180323 -2.497087
HR7 4LF 2 0 52.186178 -2.501509
HR7 4LG 28 0 52.184624 -2.515096
HR7 4LH 9 0 52.18471 -2.516092
HR7 4LJ 19 0 52.185001 -2.513243
HR7 4LL 1 1 52.191915 -2.509663
HR7 4LN 12 0 52.194393 -2.513819
HR7 4LP 76 63 52.199088 -2.519507