all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8LG 31 0 52.303254 0.480481
IP28 8LH 13 0 52.302825 0.492721
IP28 8LJ 12 0 52.302947 0.491231
IP28 8LL 4 0 52.302589 0.491563
IP28 8LN 30 0 52.302261 0.493041
IP28 8LP 8 0 52.302337 0.491153
IP28 8LQ 8 1 52.307037 0.479343
IP28 8LR 51 0 52.306143 0.490618
IP28 8LS 44 0 52.366799 0.506208
IP28 8LT 37 0 52.365092 0.510764
IP28 8LU 6 0 52.368101 0.503755
IP28 8LW 6 0 52.301969 0.491954
IP28 8LX 8 0 52.373563 0.506547
IP28 8LY 5 0 52.364553 0.514175
IP28 8LZ 8 0 52.364969 0.516588
IP28 8NA 4 0 52.366755 0.5138
IP28 8NB 5 1 52.370511 0.513485
IP28 8ND 1 1 52.370214 0.47556
IP28 8NE 5 0 52.299757 0.493678
IP28 8NF 1 1 52.334997 0.482592